Become A Member


  • Monthly meetings with presentations by club members and computer professionals on topics of interest.
  • Workshops. Our Workshops are separate from the general meeting. The schedule changes monthly.
  • Newsletter with club news, articles, and product reviews.
  • Computer Booters website with club information, monthly program schedule, recommended programs to download, and members only section.
  • Help from other members with your computer questions.
  • Vendor discounts

Annual dues are $36.00 per person or $48.00 for a household. Lifetime memberships are also available.

Our dues are pro-rated by the month you join, then collected every January thereafter.

Membership Individual Dual (Two persons ins same household)
– Lifetime $200.00 $300.00
-January $36 $48
-February $33 $44
-March $30 $40
-April $27 $36
-May $24 $32
-June $21 $28
-July $18 $24
-August $15 $20
-September $12 $16
-October $9 $12
-November $6 $8
-December $3 $4

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Benefits of Membership

Membership Application

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